Sheila Hopson shared photos taken at Prom 2023 by Kirby Bradley! She also provided the following information and acknowledgements:
\r\nThe Prom King and Queen are Sergio Martinez and Jacquelin Jimenez. The prom theme was Masquerade Prom 2023. The Student council would like to thank Sherese Philiips for the beautiful decorations, Elizabeth Richey for baking sweets and assistance with the food table, Donald Patton for running the check-in desk and Samuel Bradford for administrating. Coach Kelly Muldrew assisted with making sure every Senior who was in attendance received a gift.
\r\nBrency Cabriales, President of Stu Co along with Sponsor, Sheila Hopson helped students with the Photo Booth, presenting gifts, and the food table. There were many donations to the Prom this year from gifts to monetary donations. Thanks alone would not be enough to say however, we are very thankful and grateful for the outpouring of love and support given to the Student Council to help make the Prom a success. We appreciate our Hope Family Community. In the words of Our superintendent, Dr Jonathan Crossley, "We are ALL IN'.
\r\nSupporters included: Ivan Smith, Farmer's Bank, Mr and Mrs Love, Beebe CME Church, & Sherese Phillips and several others.
\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n#GoBobcats #ALLIN