HPS has Kid Health Expo presence

HPS at Kid Health Expo


The Hope Public Schools had a presence at the recent Kid Health Expo sponsored by the Hempstead County Wellness Alliance at Hempstead Hall on the University of Arkansas-Hope campus. Hope Superintendent Dr. Bobby Hart lent a hand at the HPS nutrition table with HPS Nutrition Director Deanna Gilbert and Aramark Food Services Director Cortney Nutt. Meanwhile, the Bobcat Clinic staff of Erica Turner, Kisha Stuckey, Julie Garcia, Director Gretchen Carlton and Nurse Practitioner Kristen Price offered information about the recently-opened clinic on the Hope High School campus. HPS district nursing staff Eddrick Lard, RN, Brianna Moody, SPN-student nurse, District Nurse Renee Sells, RN, Glenda Newton, RN, and Marcia Widel, RN, demonstrated the benefits of good handwashing at Germ City. – Ken McLemore/Hope Public Schools\r\n