HOPE – The 2019 U of A Hope-Texarkana Outstanding Alum of the Year, Maurice Henry, was recently recognized at the Annual Arkansas Community College’s Conference in Little Rock, Arkansas. The annual outstanding alumnus is someone who renders special and outstanding service to the College, brings distinction to the College, and/or brings recognition to the College through outstanding service and significant contributions to his or her community, state and/or nation.
Henry graduated in 1982 with a certificate in HVAC from then Red River Vocational Technical School, and has been employed at the Hope Public School District ever since. He began his career working in the school district bus garage, he then transferred to the grounds and maintenance department, he later became the department supervisor in custodial services, and now serves as Director of Facilities and Transportation. He has been a pillar at the district working under seven different superintendents. Henry also serves as the Pastor of Corinth Baptist Church and works as a Hempstead County reserve sheriff’s deputy.
Maurice has been active professionally on the state and national levels, serving as president of the Arkansas School Plant Managers Association in 2007 and president of the National School Plant Managers in 2012. He holds an Arkansas State Facilities Director Certification, has served as Vice Chairman of the Arkansas Public Employee Retirement System for ten years and is a member of the State Fire License Protection Board. He also serves as Vice President of the Hempstead County Labor Board at Fulton and has recently been appointed to serve on the Hempstead County Chamber of Commerce.
--Courtesy UAHT