Needs assessment sought by SWAEC

HOPE — The Southwest Arkansas Education Cooperative is asking member school districts and their patrons to provide feedback via a survey regarding the use of federal funding under the Carl Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 as reauthorized.

The survey seeks information from educators, students, and community stakeholders regarding the needs for career and technical education programs in each of the nine school districts in the SWAEC area, including the Hope Public Schools.



"It's important to gather as many responses as possible from each district because this will determine how we spend Perkins funds in the future," K. Shannon Puckett, SWAEC Career and Technical Education Coordinator, said in announcing the survey.


The Perkins Act is intended to provide support for vocational education in public schools, and improve access for those who either have been under-served in the past or have greater than average qualified needs.

The survey may be accessed online at: