ARBenefits Primary Care, other forms

EBD Alert – January 11, 2018\r\n


ARBenefits Primary Care Provider Form – General Distribution\r\n


Health Insurance Representatives (HIR): The ARBenefits Primary Care Provider (PCP) Form is now available at Members who wish to complete the biometric screening requirement for the 2019 wellness program through their own physician, need to take this form to their doctor.\r\n


The form must be completed by the physician, and submitted to the fax number on the form. It is the member’s responsibility to make sure the form is submitted by the October 31, 2018 deadline.\r\n


In addition to the provider form, guidelines for the 2019 wellness program and an FAQ have been posted to The documents can be found in the Health Enhancements section, and through the links below.\r\n


Please distribute this information to your employees.\r\n


ARBenefits Primary Care Provider Form\r\n


ARBenefits Wellness Program Guidelines\r\n


ARBenefits Wellness Program FAQ\r\n