Campus 'Reports to the Public' offered

HOPE – Administrators of the five main campuses of the Hope Public School District offered insights into their academic year and goals in recent Reports to the Public. The annual meetings with parents, students and other stakeholders is required of all public schools in Arkansas. \r\n


Clinton Primary School\r\n


CPS Principal Ashlea Stewart noted that enrollment on her campus has reached 933 students. Stewart reviewed the campus Every Student Succeeds Act report and explained a new system for parental contact of absent students on a daily basis. She said the telephone calls are automatically made within a morning deadline after attendance is taken each day.\r\n


Stewart also noted that some 320 grandparents attended the CPS Grandparents Day celebration.\r\n


In academics, Stewart discussed student growth in all categories of the ACT Aspire assessment, and she explained the application of curriculum initiatives in Benchmark Literacy, Phonics First, and Eureka Math.\r\n


Parental involvement at CPS has started with 83 parents hosted in the CPS Parent Center during Parent/Teacher Conference Night; and, Stewart highlighted monthly parent and family engagement activities and emphasized the need for parental communication with teachers.\r\n


Parental computer applications that allow monitoring of a student’s academics and other data was also explained, as was the Response To Intervention concept and the use of the Kickboard student behavior application.\r\n


Parents asked about the use of scheduled appointments for Parent/Teacher Conference Night as a means to better organize time for multiple student visits; and, the visual convenience of the Kickboard application was also noted. Parents also discussed the benefits of the “hands on” learning opportunities offered at CPS, Stewart said.\r\n


Beryl Henry Elementary School\r\n


BHE Principal Dr. Roy Turner introduced Ms. Inell Thornton, who gave an overview of the BHE Parent-Teacher Organization for prospective members. Turner augmented Thornton’s presentation by discussing the need for communication between parents and teachers through “Ten Things Teachers Wish Parents Would Do,” and “Ten Things Parents With Teachers Would Do.”\r\n


Turner discussed the academic performance of the campus relative to statewide assessments and the relationship of “personal growth plans” in the development of teacher professional goals. He also discussed assessment tools such as Renaissance Learning, the ACT Aspire assessment, and the use of classroom assessments in academic development. Students are offered the Academic Boost Program at BHE and teachers are organized into leadership and learning groups to meet the guiding principles of educational professionalism.\r\n


Turner outlined offerings at BHE such as physical education, art, music, Gifted and Talented Program, Sixth Grade Leadership Council, Special Education programs, services for English Language Learners, as well as fifth and sixth grade choir and sixth grade band. He said BHE also addresses technology learning through classes in Input Technologies and Technologies Communications.\r\n


Turner discussed the use and advantages of the Kickboard application and answered questions from parents.\r\n


The program concluded with a performance by the BHE Choir under the direction of Sandra Jones.\r\n


Yerger Middle School\r\n


YMS Principal Josclyn Wiley addressed the “wildly important goal” that “Yerger Middle School students will improve their reading achievement” in relationship with ACT Aspire Summative scores. The latest assessment demonstrates the effort toward that goal with improvement among YMS eighth grade students in Reading and English categories over seventh grade results, her report noted.\r\n


YMS Parental Involvement Coordinator Kayla Jones discussed Parental Involvement/Advisory Group meetings.\r\n


Wiley discussed curriculum applications in literacy and math and use of data-based assessments throughout the year.\r\n


YMS is fully equipped for its student body, Wiley noted, with a campus counselor, school nurse, career technical programs, new zSpace virtual reality technology, Environmental and Spatial Technology program, Future Business Leaders of America chapter, student council and a full range of extracurricular activities.\r\n


Hope Academy of Public Service\r\n


HAPS Principal Dr. Carol Ann Duke noted the growth of the HAPS campus has continued into its third year of operation from 149 students to 251 students. Part of the growth stems from the addition of a ninth grade cohort, which has also shown growth from 21 students to 40 students.\r\n


Dr. Duke gave an overview of HAPS highlights including on-campus services of a counselor and a school nurse, as well as academic/technical innovations with the addition of zSpace virtual reality lab, a virtual academy, concurrent classes at the University of Arkansas-Hope for ninth grade students, and the pilot tenth grade class opportunity at the Hope Collegiate and Professions Academy on the UAH campus.\r\n


She emphasized the public service component of HAPS as a vital part of the educational experience on the campus.\r\n


Current curriculums include Benchmark Literacy in grades five and six and Engage NY in grades seven through nine and Eureka Math in grades five through nine. Chromebook technology is available on a one-to-one basis for students.\r\n


Duke said regular assessments are conducted throughout the year as well as ACT Aspire Summative; and, college ready assessments including Accuplacer and ACT Prep are offered.\r\n


The HAPS Environmental and Spatial Technology (EAST) program continues to provide a coding and special projects foundation, and Arts Infusion is also provided. HAPS students also participate in regular Bobcat extracurricular activities.\r\n


HAPS averages on the ACT Aspire Summative assessment have declined in 2018, affected by a larger student cohort extending from grades five through nine.\r\n


Parental involvement advisory meetings are held the first Monday monthly at 5:30 p.m., and the spring semester Student-Led Conferences are set for Feb. 14.\r\n


HAPS Public Service Saturdays include Oct. 27, Nov. 10, Dec. 8, Jan. 7 – Feb. 9 Winter Wear Drive, Jan. 12, Feb. 9, March 30, April 27, and May 4. The four-hour monthly parent public service requirement may be fulfilled at any time or on those dates.\r\n


Parents were encouraged to join the HAPS PTO, HAPS Parent Involvement/Advisory Committee, and become a room parent.\r\n


Hope High School\r\n


HHS Principal Bill Hoglund introduced faculty and staff involved in various aspects of the campus report.\r\n


Curriculum development in the use of Eureka Math has resulted in student growth in math, according to Judee Gunter, instructional facilitator; while Tisha Hunter explained the use of Engage New York and its alignment with Arkansas Frameworks for English language arts.\r\n


Parental Involvement Coordinator Kelly Muldrew explained the mentor program at HHS, which is designed to provide one-to-one encouragement. She said a monthly campus newsletter will provide information for parents and students, and the HHS Parent and Family Engagement Plan was made available to parents.\r\n


Muldrew also emphasized the uses of social media for parents to obtain important information about their student.\r\n


Hoglund noted the entire HHS faculty is state certified, and he explained the ESSA rating system which assigned 35 percent of the score to achievement levels, 35 percent to academic growth, 15 percent to graduation rates, and 15 percent to School Quality and Student Success Indicators in 11 areas.\r\n


He said a writing initiative will be introduced into the literacy program at HHS in October which will integrate reading, writing, speaking, and critical thinking skills across the high school curriculum.\r\n