Bobcat News

HOPE – A Hope High School sophomore student at the Hope Collegiate Academy will compete at the national conference of the Future Business Leaders of America in Chicago, Ill., in June.


Tara Henry won the Introduction to Business Communication competition at the Arkansas FBLA State Leadership Conference in Little Rock to advance to the national event representing Arkansas, Hope FBLA advisor Matha Wake said.\r\n


“I am a proud teacher and advisor to the Hope High School FBLA career and technical student organization,” Wake said. “My students’ successes keep me motivated and empower me to keep striving to help my students achieve success in their endeavors.”\r\n


Henry, the daughter of Chris and Mekiria Henry, scored highest among state contenders on a 100-question objective test to win the April 4,5 competition.\r\n


“Tara has worked hard toward this achievement that will advance her to the FBLA National Leadership Conference in Chicago, June 29 – July 2,” Wake said.\r\n


She said the HHS FBLA team has shown outstanding efforts this year.\r\n


“A total of 29 students competed at the FBLA Spring Conference,” Wake said. “Sixteen students were placed to advance to the FBLA State Leadership Conference. I am grateful to all my students that took the time to study, compete, and place in FBLA competitions. I am so proud of all my Hope High School students… Way to go, Bobcats.”\r\n