5th grade video available to parents

HOPE — The Hope Academy of Public Service has asked parents of incoming fifth grade students to avail themselves of a video and corresponding form online prior to June 15.


HAPS Counselor Marilyn Marks said the video provides pertinent information for parents of new fifth grade students at HAPS. Marks said the form is for class scheduling.


“Fifth grade scheduling forms have been sent by mail,” she said. “If you would like to complete the form online, please follow the link.”


The form link is:  https://forms.gle/riXMrxBT5sJm...  


Marks said the video is accessible through the following link at:




“Please complete the form by June 15,” Marks said.


Questions may be directed to Marks at marilyn.marks@hpsdistrict.org and carolannduke@hpsdistrict.org online.