EASTER BREAK – Easter weekend holiday for the Hope Public Schools will be observed Friday, April 15, through Sunday, April 17. No classes will be conducted on Friday and administrative offices will be closed. All classes and normal business hours will resume on Monday, April 18.
MASK GUIDANCE for Week of April 11-15: CDC risk assessment is LOW. Mask usage is OPTIONAL.
Every HAPS Art student had a hand in crafting at least one of the origami cranes that make up this beautiful chandelier that now hangs in our lobby. Thank you, Mr. Born for the creativity you bring out in all our students!
A huge thank you to our local Junior Auxiliary for bringing donuts for our staff today as part of their celebration of being a community partner and serving the children and families of Hope & Hempstead County! We celebrate YOU, JA!!!
COVID-19 VACCINE CLINIC... Bobcat Clinic at Hope High School will host a COVID-19 vaccine clinic April 12 during regular hours for pediatric and adult patients. You must be registered. Call 870-722-2733x2 for appointment.
HAPS Families,
We will NOT have an Early Out Wednesday this week. Our students will be in class all day & we have our usual pick up time @ 3:20 pm.
SPRING BREAK... Spring Break is set for March 21-25. All campuses and district offices will be closed and classes will not be conducted until Monday, March 28.
All campuses in the HPS will conduct Parent-Teacher conferences on Thursday, March 17 but will be closed March 18.
HAPS Families - Car riders MUST be picked up via 7th street. You are NOT ALLOWED to pick your students up in front of the school. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Thanks to everyone who came out to support HAPS EAST & Robotics Teams at the School Board Meeting tonight and a HUGE thanks to Hempstead Hall for providing space for the meeting and our presentations. We appreciate all the support for our scholars and their hard work!
Thank you First Methodist Church Century Bible Class, Judy and Jim Vaughn for the snacks for our pantry! We love our community partners.
HOPE PERCUSSION -- Got the beat in your brain? The Hope Bands Program is looking for a few good drummers... Check it out
DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME... Get ready to Spring Forward this weekend...
MAKE-UP DAYS... The Hope Public Schools will extend the school year for students and staff on three campuses this year to account for days lost due to COVID-19 closures and inclement weather... See flier for details
Que opinan? Queremos saber que opinan los padres y los estudiantes...
HAPS Families,
Due to covid and inclement weather, we have some days to make up at the end of the spring semester. Students will attend school May 31-June 1 to make up instructional days and Staff will be on campus May 31-June 2 to make up their days. Please plan accordingly.
Familias de HAPS,
debido al covid y las inclemencias del tiempo, tenemos algunos días para recuperar al final del semestre de primavera. Los estudiantes asistirán a la escuela del 31 de mayo al 1 de junio para recuperar los días de instrucción y el personal estará en el campus del 31 de mayo al 2 de junio para recuperar sus días. Por favor planifique en consecuencia.
REMINDER! We will "spring forward" this weekend due to the time change & Daylight Savings Time beginning. Be sure you set your clocks up 1 hour before you go to bed Saturday night.
We are now taking applications for the 2022-23 school year. You may pick one up @ the HAPS Office or they are available on line.
Out of district students need to complete the School Choice Application at the Superintendent’s Office.
Current students do not need to apply.
For more information: 870-777-3454, X 401 or carolann.duke@hpsdistrict.org
Nuestra escuela ya está aceptando solicitudes para el año escolar 2022-23. Si usted está interesado puede pasar a recoger una en la oficina de HAPS o también están disponibles en línea.
Los estudiantes fuera del distrito deben completar la Solicitud de Elección de Escuela en la Oficina del Superintendente.
Los estudiantes actuales no necesitan aplicar.
Para más información: 870-777-3454, X 401 o al correo electrónico: carolann.duke@hpsdistrict.org
FOOD SERVICE SURVEY -- Here is your chance to let us know what is up and what is down in the cafeteria. Aramark food service survey for students and parents... Details on attached flier.
COVID-19 VACCINE CLINICS - COVID-19 vaccinations for students and staff of the Hope Public Schools will be offered Wednesday, Feb. 23. The clinic will be open for HPS students ages 5 years and older who wish to receive the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. Other clinic dates for the remainder of the year are March 6; April 6 and 27; and May 18. Patients must be registered with the Bobcat Clinic and a completed registration packet is required prior to vaccination. Registration packets are available on all HPS campuses. A vaccination consent form must also be completed prior to the appointment,
Call 870-722-2733, option two, to schedule an appointment.