Happy Easter from all of us to all of you!
Stay home, stay safe & stay well.
We love and miss you tons
HAPS Families - Beginning Monday, there will be a newspaper box on the front porch for dropping off completed AMI work. See below for important completion dates.
Just a reminder about tomorrow, Friday, April 10th...
We are thinking of you today and missing you! Stay Well, Wash Your Hands & Practice Social Distancing.
HAPS Band Students - Save the Date! Please mark your calendar for instrument return dates. For more information, contact Mrs. Gladden - julie.gladden@hpsdistrict.org
Sending Virtual Hugs to all our students, staff, families, friends and supports. We miss you more than words can say! Stay Well, Wash Your Hands & Practice Social Distancing while you work on your AMI assignments.
Happy Friday - have a wonderful weekend and Stay Well!
We Miss Y'all Very Much and Hope to See You Soon. Each of you is a Rainbow in our lives!
HAPS Families - you are doing an AMAZING job as parents, teachers, coaches and maybe drill instructors during these trying times! We appreciate you and miss you and your children oh, so very much. Stay Well.
Thank you for all the love and support you've been sending our way during these trying times. We miss you and love you! Hope to see you soon.
HAPS Families: All Public Service Events for April and May have been CANCELLED. If you need more information, please contact Mrs. Crowder.
Stay Well!
HAPS Families: 3rd Quarter Report Cards were mailed this week! Be on the lookout for them. Should you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact any of your child's teachers.
REMINDER to New Students/Families: due to school closures, some of the information regarding dates and orientation in your acceptance letter needs updating! We look forward to being together soon so please keep a watch on social media.
Everyone Counts! Tomorrow is the last day for you to impact the future of ALL our students and schools, hospitals, every aspect of life in Hempstead County.
Reminder! AMI Packets will be available for pick up on our front porch Tues-Thurs 10:00 am Noon.
We are ready for you to stop by and pick up AMI!
Packets and Composition Books will be available Mon-Thurs this week between 10:00 am and NOON. There is also a bin for you to place completed AMI packets.
Stay Well!
Contact information for Special Population needs @ HAPS. Please don't hesitate to reach out to someone if you and/or your child have questions, comments, concerns or need assistance with AMI.
Our Chamber of Commerce has devised a great, new way to hunt Easter eggs! We are placing a coloring sheet in each AMI packet so all of HAPS can participate. Enjoy and show your creative side!
While we get back into the swing of school and AMI packets, let's have some fun! Participate daily and add your photos via comments or email to your teachers, principal and counselor!
HAPS Families: AMI Packets will be available for pick up Monday-Thursday this week between 10:00 am and Noon. Packets are in one Newspaper Box and Composition books are in another so be sure you get both at the Front Porch. Stay Well!
We cannot wait until the time that all our HAPS Family can decorate the sidewalks around our campus with art work similar to this! Stay healthy and know we miss you Oh, So Very Much!!!!