Donations Needed for our AR Childrens Hospital Project. Contact Mrs. Crowder. Donate by 2.22.20
about 5 years ago, Carol Ann Duke
We are in the middle of flu season - please be mindful of sending a sick child to school! If your child still needs a flu shot, visit the Bobcat Clinic at HHS.
about 5 years ago, Carol Ann Duke
Be sure to set your alarm! Can't wait to see you bright and early tomorrow.
about 5 years ago, Carol Ann Duke
Applications for the 2020-21 school year will be available when we return to school on January 6th. You may stop by the office and pick one up! The DEADLINE to apply is February 7, 2020.
about 5 years ago, Carol Ann Duke
Reminder - Thursday & Friday are Early Release Days and then we have a 2 week Holiday. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from HAPS!!! Class Parties are tomorrow.
about 5 years ago, Carol Ann Duke
Christmas Break is coming to the Hope Public School District! Just a reminder of the dates.
about 5 years ago, Carol Ann Duke
Christmas Break
There's a lot going on @ HAPS this week! Don't forget Class Parties are Thursday, 12/19. Contact Advisor for more information.
about 5 years ago, Carol Ann Duke
Reminder! It's Christmas Spirit Week @ HAPS & Class Parties will be Thursday. Contact Advisory Teacher for information.
about 5 years ago, Carol Ann Duke
Please see below for the items we need to complete projects. Share on your social media!
about 5 years ago, Shannon Hawthorne
Christmas Spirit Week is coming to HAPS!
about 5 years ago, Carol Ann Duke
Christmas Spirit Week
Big shout out to Wendy’s of Hope. They provided lunch and coloring books for our foster kiddos and student babysitters today. Ten HAPS students spent their day babysitting so foster parents could enjoy a beautiful Saturday. We live in an AMAZING community that always supports our efforts at HAPS.
about 5 years ago, Shannon Hawthorne
about 5 years ago, Shannon Hawthorne
Important info for band parents. Check it out!
about 5 years ago, Shannon Hawthorne
Reminder - Great Events Happening this Weekend! HAPS Students will also be visiting area shut-ins to sing Christmas Carols and provide Holiday Cheer.
about 5 years ago, Carol Ann Duke
Bobcat Clinic will not have a medical provider Dec. 16 until 11:30 a.m. Immunizations still available 7:30-11 a.m. No change to behavioral health services that date.
about 5 years ago, Ken McLemore
REMINDER - This Wednesday, 12/4/19 is Early Out. School will dismiss @ 1:15 pm.
about 5 years ago, Carol Ann Duke
REMINDER - No PTO Meeting this Month!
about 5 years ago, Carol Ann Duke
Let us wrap your gifts! EAST Fundraiser. Contact Mrs. Brady for information.
about 5 years ago, Carol Ann Duke
Fundraiser Info
about 5 years ago, Shannon Hawthorne
HAPS PTO will not meet in December. See you in the New Year!!
about 5 years ago, Carol Ann Duke