We encourage you to read to your kids, big or small!
Remember your AR points!
HAPS’ contribution to the Positivity Chain. Students Brian Jimenez, Wynter Smith, and Jena Brown are pictured with SRO Jones.
Rescheduled Ribbon Cutting!
Please note the earlier time this year.
Spirit Week Reminder
Because of all of the rain, we are postponing the Ribbon Cutting. Please share this post!
We hope to see you there!
Every book counts! HAPS encourages parents to read to their kids!
Here is a volunteer opportunity for parents.
Please join us for the official opening of our beautiful garden!
Flu shots coming soon!
Little Lending Libraries are coming soon!
Information about See You at the Pole
Here are some tips for reducing absences!
Volunteer Hours Incentive
PTO Information
Information on the annual Report to the Public
Parent Meeting dates...make plans to attend!
Spirit Week is coming up!!