hispanic heritage dance at bhe

In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, Beryl Henry Elementary School has organized a Dance Party to celebrate the “Muchachas y Muchachos” that attend BHE and HAPS (5th and 6th Grade). The theme is Muchachos and Muchachas which in Spanish means, "boys and girls." Students are encouraged to dress in a style that exhibits latino heritage and celebrate integration and diversity!

The 5th & 6th Grader dance will take place on Saturday, October 14, from 5:00pm - 7:00pm.  in the Beryl Henry Cafeteria.

Here are the guidelines for our school dance:

  • Students must be checked-in and checked-out by a parent, which means that parents must be present at the check-in and check-out times. 
  • Once they come in, they can’t leave the premises unless there’s a parent present to check them out.
  • Beryl Henry Elementary School will provide chaperones for the dance party to ensure a safe and fun environment all throughout the dance.
  • The admission fee is $5.00 USD at the door.
  • School Dress Code will be enforced as specified in the student handbook.
  • There will be a concession stand snacks such as candy, chips, soft drinks, hotdogs, pickles and nachos. The price range for the concessions will vary from $1.00 to $3.00
  • Students that have had multiple disciplinary problems aren’t going to be allowed to attend the dance. No Exceptions.

For more information, please contact Laura Gray at laura.gray@hpsdistrict.org or call 870-722-2700 ext 256.

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