HOPE — The early learning software provided free to the Hope Public Schools through Waterford.org will continue to be available free through the summer.
\r\nHPS School Improvement Specialist Carla Narlesky said the continued collaboration is a major plus for students in grades K-4.
\r\n“Students who are currently enrolled in Waterford are able to access the program until Aug. 2,” Narlesky said. “We are excited about students continuing their education and look forward to seeing the gains they make.”
\r\nShe said the opportunity to provide the Waterford tool has also created a prize-winning opportunity for students in grades K-4.
\r\n“Students who complete Waterford assignments during this time will be eligible for a drawing in the fall,” Narlesky said. “The prize… tickets to a home Bobcat football game and the privilege to be on the sidelines with Coach Phillip Turner.”
\r\nShe said the prize package was provided through the Hope High School Activity Director’s office.
\r\n“Make sure you get your chance to enter the drawing for the prize,” Narlesky said. “We want to thank Hope High School and our activity directors for making this a wonderful prize for one boy and one girl.”
\r\nA drawing date will be announced in the fall, as will the applicable home football game for prize winners.