Participants win yoga videos & step counters.
Students learn how to make healthy snacks at family yoga night.
Tree pose & stretching at family yoga night.
Family yoga night @ CPS
Karen Ivers
Hempstead County Educator of the Year
Children receive a summer learning pack at Kindergarten registration.
Kindergarten registration
Today- 8:30-3:30
Family Yoga
Family Yoga Night
School will be out for Good Friday Holiday.
Kindergarten registration - Saturday, April 8, 8:30-3:30
Hope-Hempstead County Educator of the Year
Western Day at CPS
Supply list for 4th grade STEM Wars. Please send supplies with your 4th grade student.
Students make spool racers, floating balls, & learn about the components of blood.
Students make glow in the dark flubber.
Sandra White wins raffle prize from State Farm.
Students make snake bubbles & bouncy balls at family science night.
Dr. Duke provides parents of 4th grade students an overview of HAPS.
Science Night & HAPS Information!