Reminder: Progress reports will be finalized on November 14th and mailed to parents before Thanksgiving Break.
Student's who would like to take college classes next semester need to get with Ms. Holt regarding testing to verify eligibility. If you have any questions please email Ms. Holt.
We only have 7 more school days until
Thanksgiving break! Are you as excited as we are!? During your break be sure to celebrate all that you are thankful for and get plenty of rest to assure you are refreshed and ready to come back to school on the 27th. We hope that everyone has a blessed Thanksgiving break!
Upcoming ACT testing will take place on December 9th in the Annex Building on HHS Campus. For questions/concerns please reach out to the counselor's office.
The Counselor's Corner tries our best to keep an up-to-date event calendar on our page for Students and Parents to view at any time. You can find our page on the HHS website under the school information tab. We also send out Remind and Google classroom messages often to remind students and parents of upcoming events. We invite all parents to join our Remind Group to ensure that parents receive important updates as needed. You can find your child's Remind Code by grade on this Newsletter.
Remind Text Numbers (Text the following to 81010, based on which grade level(s) you wish to receive notifications):
9th Grade: @3FG274 to 81010
10th Grade: @DKB9983 to 81010
11th Grade : @2HAFDHH to 81010
12th Grade: @4DGDDF to 81010
For more information, contact HHS Counselors at:
PHONE: 870-777-3451 EXT 604
FAX: 870-722-2736
#GoBobcats #ALLIN #HopeForTheFuture