Classes resume after Christmas holidays on Jan. 5, 2017. Happy New Year!
about 8 years ago, Ken McLemore
Thanksgiving holiday break Nov. 19-27. Classes resume Nov. 28. Happy Thanksgiving!
over 8 years ago, Ken McLemore
FALL BACK - Daylight Savings Time ends Nov. 6; set clocks back one hour.
over 8 years ago, Ken McLemore
First edition of The Bobcat Chronicles in Documents section HHS website. English/Espanol
over 8 years ago, Ken McLemore
HOPE v. WHITE HALL - TONIGHT! Hammon Stadium 7:00 p.m.
over 8 years ago, Bob Cat
Hope districtwide report to the public tonight, 6 p.m., administration building.
over 8 years ago, Ken McLemore
Hope High School 9th and 10th grade students will begin ACT Aspire Interim Assessments tomorrow! Get a good night's sleep and come prepared to do well!!
over 8 years ago, Mike Radebaugh - YMS
The new 9 week period is off to a good start! Come visit us at Hope High School!
over 8 years ago, Mike Radebaugh - YMS
Parents: Remember to take our survey on student attendance. Click here
over 8 years ago, Ken McLemore
HHS today. You know you're a senior when you order the cap and gown.
over 8 years ago, Ken McLemore
Missed the Coronation? Watch it here! HHS Homecoming 2016 Coronation
over 8 years ago, District Information
Watch HHS Homecoming 2016 by Hope Public Schools on
over 8 years ago, District Information
Watch HHS Homecoming Coronation 2016
over 8 years ago, District Information
Parents: Remember to take our survey on student attendance. Click here
over 8 years ago, Ken McLemore
Come out and support our FFA and 4H students at the district fair this week.
over 8 years ago, Mike Radebaugh - YMS
Classes dismiss one hour early for District Fair Arm Band Day, Thursday, 9/29.
over 8 years ago, Ken McLemore
over 8 years ago, Jeff Madlock-admin
Ninth grade football v. Malvern on Thursday cancelled.
over 8 years ago, Ken McLemore
HHS FFA chapter hosts County Fair Community Coffee today; 9:30-11 a.m., HHC Chamber office, Main and Second streets downtown.
over 8 years ago, Ken McLemore
Today's HHS Golf Team match with Magnolia has been cancelled due to weather. - Coach Mike Godwin
over 8 years ago, Ken McLemore