Classes resume after Christmas holidays on Jan. 5, 2017. Happy New Year!

Thanksgiving holiday break Nov. 19-27. Classes resume Nov. 28. Happy Thanksgiving!

FALL BACK - Daylight Savings Time ends Nov. 6; set clocks back one hour.

First edition of The Bobcat Chronicles in Documents section HHS website. English/Espanol

Hammon Stadium
7:00 p.m.

Hope districtwide report to the public tonight, 6 p.m., administration building.

Hope High School 9th and 10th grade students will begin ACT Aspire Interim Assessments tomorrow! Get a good night's sleep and come prepared to do well!!

The new 9 week period is off to a good start! Come visit us at Hope High School!

Parents: Remember to take our survey on student attendance. Click here https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RXSY27F

HHS today. You know you're a senior when you order the cap and gown.

Missed the Coronation? Watch it here!
HHS Homecoming 2016 Coronation

Watch HHS Homecoming 2016 by Hope Public Schools on livestream.com

Watch HHS Homecoming Coronation 2016

Parents: Remember to take our survey on student attendance. Click here https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RXSY27F

Come out and support our FFA and 4H students at the district fair this week.

Classes dismiss one hour early for District Fair Arm Band Day, Thursday, 9/29.

Catch the Bobcats v. Ashdown LIVE! http://www.hpsdistrict.org/o/hope-athletics/page/live-game-feed

Ninth grade football v. Malvern on Thursday cancelled.

HHS FFA chapter hosts County Fair Community Coffee today; 9:30-11 a.m., HHC Chamber office, Main and Second streets downtown.

Today's HHS Golf Team match with Magnolia has been cancelled due to weather. - Coach Mike Godwin