vinnie johnson

January is School Board Appreciation Month! We have an amazing board made up of folks who work tirelessly to ensure our students are receiving the best education they can, that our teachers and staff are rewarded and supported, and that the district remains an integral part of our community. Please help us celebrate and honor our board members throughout the month!


I enjoy being a member of the Hope School Board because I get an opportunity to help set the direction of the School District.  I enjoy being a part of making sure that the children that attend Hope Schools are taught what will meet or exceed State standards.  I also get an opportunity to act in the best interest of students, parents, and the community residents.  I also enjoy focusing on the students achievements.  I like being a Hope School Board member because I have an opportunity to serve all the children in our District because they are our future and education is crucial for them.

#GoBobcats #ALLIN