HOPE PUBLIC SCHOOLS REQUEST FOR YARD MAINTENANCE SERVICE Hope Public Schools in Hope, Arkansas, is interested in yard maintenance service for the school district. Property includes the following campuses: Clinton Primary School, 601 Lakeshore Drive Hope High School, 1700 South Main St Paisley Compound, 921 West Avenue B School Admin Bldg, 117 East 2nd St Beryl Henry Elementary, 2000 South Main St Yerger Middle School, 400 East 9th St Hope Academy of Public Service, 600 West 6th St Edith Brown Campus, 500 South Spruce St. Proposals will be valid March 1, 2023to December 31, 2023. Specifications for services must include at minimum, but not be limited to the following: *Mowing and trimming around the buildings, including out- buildings, islands, and fencing. *Mowing and trimming along the football stadium and the fields behind and beside the stadium, field house area, and track field. *Grass areas around the building to be mowed regularly during the growing season to maintain an average height of 2 1⁄2” to 3 1⁄2”. *Trimming and edging around all landscaping/paved surfaces. *Clippings to be blown off walkways/pavement. *Litter and debris to be removed from lawn prior to mowing. *Removal of all trash and debris from the property before departure. *Proof of liability insurance is required for one million dollars. Interested persons should submit proposals to the Hope Public Schools Administration Building, 117 East 2nd St, Hope, AR 71801 by February 10, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. Any questions regarding this advertisement, you may contact Steven Bateman, Maintenance Supervisor, at 870-703-7337.
RFP Can be found here: https://5il.co/1o1ai