Regular Board Meeting Agenda

Hope Public Schools

Administration Building

117 East 2nd Street

Hope, AR 71801

Vision: World class students, World class learning, World class citizens

Mission: To provide ALL students a quality education through the collaborative efforts of the schools, families, and all stakeholders to create productive citizens in our ever changing society.

Thursday, June 13, 2024 05:00 PM

(1) Call to Order

(2) Reports

--(2.a) Approval of Minutes

--(2.b) Approval of Expenditures

--(2.c) Superintendent's Report

-----(2.c.1) Aspiring Leaders Presentations - Marilyn Marks, Laura Gray

-----(2.c.2) Comprehensive Safety Assessment (Strategos )

-----(2.c.3) School Support Plans - Narkesky

-----(2.c.4) Consideration for Land Purchase - Dr. Crossley

(3) Unfinished Business

(4) New Business

--(4.a) Student Handbook - Narlesky

--(4.b) Retention and Recruitment Plan

--(4.c) Magnet Band Requisitions

(5) Other

--(5.a) Facilities Rental Request

(6) Personnel

(7) Adjournment