Eighth, ninth grade football vs. Malvern tomorrow cancelled; seventh grade vs. Nashville, 5:30 p.m. Monday, Hammons Stadium; no JV game Monday.

YMS students enjoying new picnic tables after lunch!

YMS teachers enjoying Collegiate Day! Teachers and staff will educate students on the importance of post secondary education.

Teacher Melinda Strike offers guidance during today's Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) meeting.

New Game Day Flags and Signage at Yerger Middle School! GO BOBCATS!

Join the drive: What's your idea to make Strive for Five a YMS success. Pass it on to a teacher, club sponsor, principal; get in the game.

Hope School Board meets today at 5:30 p.m., second floor conference room, HPSD administration building; open to the public.

Teachers - Got a humorous or heroic Back to School Moment to share? Email me at ken.mclemore@hpsdistrict.org

YMS Cheerleaders at Cheer Camp in Texarkana.

Retirement reception for Vanessa McCraw, Margaret Moss; Yerger conference room; May 24, 1-3 p.m.

Enrollment Applications for Hope Academy of Public Service accepted starting TODAY. Download Here: http://goo.gl/LMNlNg

Parents, take our survey at www.surveymonkey.com/r/FMCTPZP