Students who took part in the summer reading program turned in their reading logs during open house and they got some cool prizes and treats!
about 2 years ago, David Henderson
summer reading program
summer reading program
summer reading program
summer reading program
CATS was ready for action for Open House on Thursday!
about 2 years ago, David Henderson
cats open house
cats open house
cats open house
Beryl Henry went all out by going ALL IN with decorations and dedication during Open House on Thursday!
about 2 years ago, David Henderson
beryl henry open house
beryl henry open house
beryl henry open house
beryl henry open house
The High School was hoppin’ during Open House on Thursday!!
about 2 years ago, David Henderson
high school open house
high school open house
high school open house
high school open house
Open House was happenin’ at HAPS on Thursday!!
about 2 years ago, David Henderson
haps open house
haps open house
haps open house
Yerger went ALL IN during Open House! Even the Principal was serving hot dogs during the event!
about 2 years ago, David Henderson
yerger open house
yerger open house
yerger open house
yerger open house
Clinton Primary had a great turnout for Open House on Thursday!
about 2 years ago, David Henderson
clinton open house
clinton open house
clinton open house
clinton open house
Students coming to the 9th Grade took part in Freshman Orientation on Thursday morning!
about 2 years ago, David Henderson
freshman orientation
freshman orientation
Teachers and staff working hard (well, maybe not TOO hard!) to get ready for Open House and the new school year! Open House is Thursday, August 11 from 3:30p-7:00p! Meet teachers, get paperwork, have fun! Come and go as you like!
about 2 years ago, David Henderson
posing in front of the board
cms preps for school
having fun getting prepared
Yerger Middle School OPEN HOUSE is Thursday, August 11 2022, from 3:30pm to 7:00pm! Come on by to fill out paperwork, meet the teachers and staff, and find student classes. We will also have MUSIC and FOOD to enjoy during your visit!
about 2 years ago, David Henderson
YMS Open House August 11, 3:30-7pm
Hope High School students can pick up schedules on Thursday, August 11. Seniors may get schedules at the Senior Breakfast at 9am, Freshmen can pick up schedules at 10am at Freshman Orientation. ALL STUDENTS MAY PICK UP PACKETS DURING OPEN HOUSE: 3:30p - 7:00p
about 2 years ago, David Henderson
High School Students Pick Up Schedules on Thursday
Yerger Middle School Student Packets can be picked up: TODAY (Wednesday, August 10) until 3:30pm OR THURSDAY, August 11) At the Following Times: 8:00 am - 11:00 am, 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm and 3:30 pm until 7:00 pm.
about 2 years ago, David Henderson
Yerger packets may be picked up on August 11
Línea de carros y de autobuses en HAPS tendrán nuevas rutas para comenzar en año escolar mientras se trabaja en la calle 6. Los conductores de coches se acercaran al edificio de la calle 7, viniendo de Spring Hill Drive o Texas Street. A medida que los conductores se dirijan hacia el edificio en la calle 7, giraran IZQUIERDA en la curva de grava y en lo que solía ser el carril del autobús. Los conductores de automóviles se acercaran a la puerta y serán recibidos por el personal de HAPS. Una vez que los estudiantes sean dejados, los vehículos saldrán del carril y girarán a la IZQUIERDA hacia Washington y se acercaran a la señal de stop. TODO EL TRÁFICO DE COCHES debe girar A LA DERECHA en la calle 7 para salir del campus escolar. Los autobuses se acercaran al edificio desde South Grady Street, cerca de Dennys Graden Park. Se entregarán al aparcamiento de la escuela para dejar que los estudiantes bajen de los autobuses. Los autobuses saldrán a la izquierda cruzando la calle 7 hacia Washington. Si tiene alguna pregunta póngase en contacto con el Dr. Carolann Duke o Maurice Henry. Médico la dirección de correo electrónico de Duke es El número de la escuela de HAPS es 870-777-4354. Puede ponerse en contacto con Maurice Henry en o llamando al 870-722-2700, ext, 36. Estamos emocionados de ver a nuestros estudiantes y esperamos poder servirles durante este periodo de construcción.
about 2 years ago, David Henderson
haps lines
This week's Employee Spotlights feature Hope High School Teacher George Eldridge and Hope Pre-K Lead Teacher Cherlyn Brandon! Let's celebrate these two members of the Hope Schools family! The program is open to *ALL* Hope Schools employees! #HPS #HopeSchools #ALLIN #GoBobcats
about 2 years ago, David Henderson
George Eldridge
Cherlyn Brandon
Clinton Primary is KICKIN IT OLD SCHOOL while taking part in Benchmark Workshops last week! #CPS #HopeSchools #GoBobcats #ALLIN
about 2 years ago, David Henderson
cps workshop
cps old school
cps workshop
cps workshop
Clinton Primary staff attend professional development and are ALL IN for student education! #HPS #HopeSchools #CPS #ALLIN
about 2 years ago, David Henderson
More pics of Yerger staff going ALL IN as they get ready for the new year! #YMS #HPS #GoBobcats #HopsSchools
about 2 years ago, David Henderson
Yerger staff is going ALL IN, getting ready for the new school year!! #YMS #AllIn #HopeSchools #GoBobcats
about 2 years ago, David Henderson
HAPS has something to sing about as they show off their lanyards & inspiration boards. “We are all in” #HPS #BobcatStrong #HopeSchools #All-In
about 2 years ago, David Henderson
haps all in
haps all in
John Miller recently spoke to CPS staff about donations for the Angel Tree from Watermelon Treasure Hunt.
about 2 years ago, David Henderson
miller addresses cps