YMS Robotics team received a Supt. Award for Excellence today. Congratulations Ms. Strike, Lanod Westmoreland, Abigail Contreras, Cynthia Vargas, and Mr. Born. 6th place state finish!!!
almost 5 years ago, Bobby Hart
Tara Henry, Kennedy Phillips, and Kayla Wyatt were awarded the Supertintendent's Award for Excellence todya for their work on HPS' Black History Month Celebration! Thanks again ladies!
almost 5 years ago, Bobby Hart
Learn more about our Opportunity Culture teaching positions. https://www.opportunityculture.org/ Job descriptions can be found on our website, www.hpsdistrict.org under menu - documents - MCL or DRT.
almost 5 years ago, Bobby Hart
almost 5 years ago, Bobby Hart
Listen to the most recent episode of our podcast: Counselor week https://anchor.fm/bobby-hart/episodes/Counselor-week-eam5vh
almost 5 years ago, Bobby Hart
The Hope School District is thrilled to announce that we are currently accepting applications for all Opportunity Culture positions. All of the schools in our district are preparing to implement Opportunity Culture roles during the 2020-21 school year. There are two Opportunity Culture roles currently for which applicants may apply: Multi-Classroom Leader: A Multi-Classroom Leader, or MCL, is a teacher with proven leadership skills and a record of high-growth student learning. MCLs lead small, collaborative teams of teachers. They share instructional strategies, provide regular coaching, and continue to work directly with students. MCLs earn $10,500-$13,500 more, depending on team size. Direct-Reach Teacher: A Direct-Reach Teacher, or DRT, is also a teacher with a record of high-growth student learning. However, unlike MCLs, DRTs do not coach teams. Instead, DRTs directly teach a larger number of students through a combination of creative scheduling and paraprofessional support. DRTs earn $3,000 to $8,500 more for teaching a larger student load. Follow the link below to apply. https://hope.tedk12.com/hire/Index.aspx
almost 5 years ago, Bobby Hart
If you are interested in leading students and staff in a journey of continious improvement and if you want to earn up to $13,500 over a regular teacher salary please consider applying. Follow the link to apply. https://hope.tedk12.com/hire/Index.aspx
almost 5 years ago, Bobby Hart
It’s not too late to attend HAPS EAST’s Black History Month program tonight at Hempstead Hall. 5:30-8. Feel free to drop in for the program and for the food.
almost 5 years ago, Bobby Hart
Listen to the most recent episode of our podcast: HHS EAST Students https://anchor.fm/bobby-hart/episodes/HHS-EAST-Students-eafci5
almost 5 years ago, Bobby Hart
almost 5 years ago, Bobby Hart
The Bobcat Clinic health provider will not be on campus today. Appointments may still be scheduled at CABUN main clinic or next week. This does not affect other services.
almost 5 years ago, Ken McLemore
We want to hear from you.
almost 5 years ago, Bobby Hart
Listen to the most recent episode of our podcast: Opportunity Culture https://anchor.fm/bobby-hart/episodes/Opportunity-Culture-eackuf
almost 5 years ago, Bobby Hart
Everyone Counts!!! https://youtu.be/TXv0JGphZHU
almost 5 years ago, Bobby Hart
Everyone Counts!!! Why the Census Matters.https://youtu.be/blw2VCAi1x4
almost 5 years ago, Bobby Hart
Everyone Counts! Why the 2020 Census matters.https://youtu.be/blw2VCAi1x4
almost 5 years ago, Bobby Hart
Listen to the most recent episode of our podcast: Chamber Executive Beckie Moore https://anchor.fm/bobby-hart/episodes/Chamber-Executive-Beckie-Moore-ea5ero
almost 5 years ago, Bobby Hart
Request for Proposals: Lawn maintenance for district properties. See Documents under Requests for Proposals.
almost 5 years ago, Ken McLemore
1st grade Academic Achievement Recognition.
almost 5 years ago, Bobby Hart
1st Grade
The Bobcat Clinic medical provider will not be on campus Wednesday, Jan. 15, until 8:30 a.m. Behavioral services will not be affected.
almost 5 years ago, Ken McLemore