HAPS Families - Be on the lookout!!!
about 4 years ago, Carol Ann Duke
Just a reminder that this Friday is a Flex Friday! Here's how to decide if your scholar should attend.
about 4 years ago, Carol Ann Duke
Flex Friday
REMINDER!!!! Wednesday, Dec. 2nd is an EARLY OUT DAY! School will dismiss @ 1:15.
about 4 years ago, Carol Ann Duke
Dec Early Out
There will not be a physical health services provider on site at the Bobcat Clinic on Tuesday, Dec. 1. Other services will be available. Call 870-722-2733, Option 2, for appointments.
about 4 years ago, Ken McLemore
ALL HPS campuses WILL be open for on-site instruction tomorrow morning (Monday, November 30, 2020). We hope you all have had a safe and healthy break, and we look forward to seeing each of you.
about 4 years ago, District Information
Interested in the GoGuardian Parent App? You can find more information here: https://www.goguardian.com/parent-app/ You can sign up by filling out this form: https://forms.gle/z99BmKMymQ4L9Fkj8 This is app is for Parents & Guardians. Email and phone verification required.
about 4 years ago, District Information
If you are interested in the GoGuardian Parent App, you can find more information here: https://www.goguardian.com/parent-app/ You can sign up by filling out this form: https://forms.gle/z99BmKMymQ4L9Fkj8 This is app is for Parents & Guardians. Email and phone verification required.
about 4 years ago, District Information
Bobcat Clinic will provide free COVID-19 testing for HPS students and personnel Friday, Nov. 20, from 9 -11 a.m. and Noon-2 p.m. Stay in your car, call 722-2733, Option 2, and request testing.
about 4 years ago, Ken McLemore
HAPS Families, Here is some information regarding Virtual Fridays and Flex Fridays.
about 4 years ago, Carol Ann Duke
HAPS Families, Breakfast & Lunch for Friday, Saturday & Sunday were sent home today! Please be on the lookout and store as needed.
about 4 years ago, Carol Ann Duke
Wondering about Virtual Fridays for your scholar? Here's a bit of guidance to assist you!
about 4 years ago, Carol Ann Duke
Tomorrow, November 4th, is EARLY OUT! School will dismiss @ 1:15.
about 4 years ago, Carol Ann Duke
Just a reminder to set your clocks back an hour before bedtime tonight!
about 4 years ago, Carol Ann Duke
Just want to remind everyone - one more time - of our schedule for the rest of this week!
about 4 years ago, Carol Ann Duke
Reminder! Thursday, October 29th is an EARLY OUT day! School will dismiss @ 1:15 for Student-led Conferences. Contact your child's Advisor if you have not gotten your appointment time for SLCs.
about 4 years ago, Carol Ann Duke
SLC Reminder
Physical health medical services will be available this week at the Bobcat Clinic. Call 722-2733, option 2, to schedule an appointment.
about 4 years ago, Ken McLemore
Reminders! Thursday is an Early Out Day, Friday is a Virtual Instruction Day and Daylight Savings Time end on Sunday! WHEW - we've got a busy week ahead.
about 4 years ago, Carol Ann Duke
HAPS Families - Please remember that Student-led Conferences are next Thursday, 10/29 & we dismiss school @ 1:15 that day. Next Friday is a Virtual Instruction Day. All students and staff work off-site and all HPS buildings are closed.
about 4 years ago, Carol Ann Duke
Physical health services will be temporarily unavailable at the Bobcat Clinic until further notice. Those services should resume sometime next week; but COVID-19 test results will still be reported.
about 4 years ago, Ken McLemore
HAPS Families - Here is some information to help you determine your plans for your student scholar regarding our first Virtual Friday on November 6th. Please contact your child's Advisor if you need more information.
about 4 years ago, Carol Ann Duke