REMINDERS:10/29 is an early release day for student-led conferences. Your student and/or Advisor will let you know the time for your virtual SLC. 10/30 is a district-wide Virtual Instruction Day with no students on any campus. Please mark your calendars and plan accordingly.
about 4 years ago, Carol Ann Duke
Red Ribbon Week is October 26-30! Please participate in our daily events. REMINDERS: Thurs., 10/29 is early release day & Fri., 10/30 is a Virtual Instruction Day. Stay tuned for more information!
about 4 years ago, Carol Ann Duke
Reminder - Next week is PINK OUT week @ HAPS!
about 4 years ago, Carol Ann Duke
Pink Out
Need a flu shot? The Bobcat Clinic has got you covered. Call 870-722-2733, option 2, to schedule an appointment.
over 4 years ago, Ken McLemore
HAPS Families, We need your help! Please be sure your student charges his/her Chromebook every night. We need full battery life every day. Thanks!
over 4 years ago, Carol Ann Duke
Socktober is Here! We are taking donations of NEW socks for Hope In Action. This is our Service Project for the October. Please join us in this worthy cause. We appreciate your support.
over 4 years ago, Carol Ann Duke
It's Back! As of Monday, we will have a Snack Bar at HAPS. Daily @ 12:45 pm, students can visit the Snack Bar in the Lobby. See below for prices. CASH ONLY please!
over 4 years ago, Carol Ann Duke
Snack Bar
HPSD is considering modifying its weekly schedule to better serve teachers and students working in a virtual world.
over 4 years ago, Shannon Hawthorne
A heartfelt thanks to these community partners for donating to our HAPS Food Pantry for students - FUMC Hope & Dollar General. If you are interested in donating to our Food Pantry please contact Dr. Duke or Mrs. Marks.
over 4 years ago, Carol Ann Duke
HAPS Students and Staff want to acknowledge that October is Cancer Awareness Month. Let's wear a different color each week to support and honor our friends and family who have experienced a variety of cancer diagnoses. Here's our plan for the month!
over 4 years ago, Carol Ann Duke
HAPS Families! Our first Early Out will be next Wednesday, October 7th. Please make note of the car line pick up time. We appreciate all your support.
over 4 years ago, Carol Ann Duke
Oct Early Out
Bobcat Clinic will not have physical health provider services after 11:30 a.m., Sept. 30 - Oct. 2. Patients will be seen from 8-11:30 a.m. all three days. Call 722-2733, option 2, for an appointment.
over 4 years ago, Ken McLemore
Spirit Week!
over 4 years ago, Shannon Hawthorne
We are looking for Hope businesses to partner with and show off some incredible student artwork! Know of a place in Hope that would be an awesome fit for this? Tag them in the comments ⬇🐾
over 4 years ago, Shannon Hawthorne
over 4 years ago, Marilyn Marks
HAPS Backpack Program
A great big THANK YOU to our HAPS PTO for sending teachers a Sonic Card! We appreciate all you do for our campus.
over 4 years ago, Carol Ann Duke
PTO Sonic
What a wonderful way to begin our Friday. HAPS Staff says a HUGE thank you to our local Rotary Club for bringing us donuts. Let's make every month Educator Appreciation Month this year!
over 4 years ago, Carol Ann Duke
Virtual Students - please be aware of the new meal pick up schedule as of Monday, September 21st.
over 4 years ago, Carol Ann Duke
school meals
Just a reminder - 2020 HAPS t-shirt order forms are due next Friday, September 25th. Turn yours in to your Advisory Teacher.
over 4 years ago, Carol Ann Duke
Whether you are onsite or virtual, please remember...
over 4 years ago, Carol Ann Duke
click submit