April 12, 2023
Join us on Monday, April 17, 2023, at 5pm in Hempstead Hall for the "Hope for the Future" Community Update! Dr. Crossley and selected speakers will provide update information rega...

April 11, 2023
¡Recordatorio para padres!
Feria Magnet de Escuelas Intermedias jueves, 13 de abril 5p-7p en Hempstead Hall

April 11, 2023
Hope High Senior Anthony Hall received the Hope-Hempstead County Chamber of Commerce Young Leadership Award! Congratulations to the awesome member of the Bobcats student body! #GoB...

April 11, 2023
Congratulations to Karen Townsend for being named the Hempstead County Educator of the Year!! She is definitely ALL IN!!

April 10, 2023
Reminder to all parents of middle school students, and parents of students coming into middle school next school year, join us for the Middle School Magnet Fair from 5p-7p on Thurs...

April 10, 2023
The cheerleaders annual FanCloth fundraiser selling Bobcat gear has begun and will end on April 28th. Please help support our team by visiting our shop! http://fancloth.shop/MFC...

April 10, 2023
On Thursday before the Easter break, 3rd grade students from Mrs. Carr's and Mrs. Deloach's classrooms enjoyed a Math and Literacy Easter Egg Hunt. Students had to hop around cla...

April 10, 2023
Last week, Hope High School FFA students spoke with 3rd Grade students at Clinton Primary Schools about the 63rd Annual Hope FFA Rodeo. The rodeo will take place April 14-16 at th...

April 7, 2023
Kindergarten registration for Hope Public Schools begins Monday, April 10, 2023. Registration packets can be picked up at the Clinton Primary main office. Registration runs throug...

April 7, 2023
Kindergarten Honor Roll \r\n Mrs. Alba’s Class: \r\n “A” Honor Roll: Ruth Arroyo, Eva Artis, Aliah Brown, Zy’Aire Wyatt, Kyrie Watson, and Mariah Logan \r\n “A/B” Honor Roll: ...

April 7, 2023
1st Grade Honor Roll \r\n Mrs. Glass’ Class: \r\n “A” Honor Roll: Hazel Patton and Jamie Rangel \r\n “A/B” Honor Roll: Hannah Dominguez, Cambri Muldrew, Skylar Jamerson, Gian...

April 5, 2023
On Tuesday, April 4, Clinton Primary held Honor Roll ceremonies for 3rd Graders to celebrate their achievements! Pictures provided by Gina Karber: 3rd Grade Honor Roll \r\n Mrs....

April 4, 2023
The following are dates in the month of April in which there will NOT be a medical health provider at the Bobcat Clinic; However, we WILL be available to answer phone calls, sched...

April 4, 2023
4th Graders at Clinton Primary received their Honor Roll certificates and awards on Monday! The list of students and photos are in the article. Photos provided by Gina Karber. Hon...

April 3, 2023
Testing Schedule for all campuses: ○ CPS- 3rd-May 8-12, 2023 ○ CPS- 4th- May 1-5, 2023 ○ BHE- May 1-4, 2023 ○ YMS - May 1-5, 2023 ○ HHS - April 17-21, 2023 ○ HAPS - April 24-28, ...

April 3, 2023
Testing Tips: Arrive at school on time each day; prior to 7:50 a.m. Try to avoid appointments during the week of testing so that your child can complete his/her testing session...

March 30, 2023
Clinton Primary will hold Honor Roll Assemblies on the following days: 4th Grade - April 3 at 2:00pm 3rd Grade - April 4 at 2:00pm 2nd Grade - April 5 at 9:00am 1st Grade - Ap...

March 30, 2023
Enjoy the latest episode of "Courageous Conversations" as Dr. Crossley sits down with local media representatives Jeff Smithpeters (swark.today) and Eddie Garcia (Amigo newspaper)...
March 28, 2023
3rd grade students created a diorama (A scenic representation in which sculpted figures and life-like details) showing their selected habitat. Dioramas included: rainforest, ocean...

March 27, 2023
Students in the 3rd grade at Clinton Primary have been studying animals and their habitats. As a culminating activity, students chose a biome and created a habitat, animals, and p...