March 27, 2023
Before Spring Break, 3rd Graders at Clinton Primary took a field trip to the Crater of Diamonds State Park for a day of learning and digging for diamonds! Pictures provided by Kay...

March 16, 2023
Say YES to ESS Substitute Teacher Training Event for Hope School District Tuesday, March 28th, from 9a-12p Hope Administration Building Board Room 117 E 2nd Street, Hope, AR ...

March 15, 2023
The Clinton Primary School parent & student 3rd & 4th grade math night will be held on March 30, 2023 from 5:30-6:30. All 3rd and 4th Grade students and their parents are invited ...

March 14, 2023
Enjoy this episode of Courageous Conversations as Dr. Crossley talks with Yerger Student Kylan Brown and HAPS student Eva Brown about the future of Hope Public Schools. #GoBobcats...

March 13, 2023
The regular monthly school board meeting for Hope Public Schools is scheduled for 5:30pm on Thursday, March 16, 2023, at the Hope Schools Administration Building. Items on the age...

March 9, 2023
The March 9 Parent-Student Math Night for grades 3/4 has been rescheduled for Thursday March 30, 5:30-6:30 pm. La Noche de Matemáticas para Padres y Alumnos del 9 de marzo para ...

March 7, 2023
Hope Public Schools alumni Greg Wilson and Adrian Garland will host a Youth Basketball Camp on March 20-22 at the Hope High School Jones Field House. The camp is open to all child...

March 6, 2023
Join Hope Public Schools! We're hiring folks who want to help launch our new Magnet District Initiative! Open positions include Director of Magnet Grant Program, Campus Magnet Coo...

March 3, 2023
Third Grade students in Ally Askew's class collaborate on research papers. These students chose historical women from an approved list to research and will report on their selecte...

March 1, 2023
2014 Hope High graduate Mrs. Jocelyn Lee visited the Hope Preschool to read to students. One of Mrs. Lee's daughters had attended the Pre-K program at Clinton. She is a talented M...

March 1, 2023
The ABC Preschool program had an amazing visitor today. Ms. Jennifer Benton read to Pre-K students. She is a Hope High alum who has earned her Master's Degree. He daughter attends...

March 1, 2023
Clinton Primary students continued their Dr. Seuss Week festivities by sporting mismatched socks and shoes! Photos provided by Gina Karber. #GoBobcats #ALLIN

March 1, 2023
On Tuesday, Feb 28, J.A. member Alejandra Mendoza came to read to Mrs. Gulley’s first grade class at Clinton Primary. The students all enjoyed listening to her read the book “Love...

February 28, 2023
On Monday, students at Clinton Primary celebrated Dr. Seuss by dressing in green to celebrate Green Eggs and Ham Day! Photos provided by Gina Karber. #GoBob...
February 28, 2023
Students from Mrs. Clark’s Homeroom were presented a certificate for achieving a perfect score of 100 points in a single round of Battle of the Books! \r\n They will continue on t...

February 28, 2023
Hope Public Schools has a rich history of students who have come through our district as students and/or who have helped our students while working for the district. As Black Hist...

February 27, 2023
A special Hope School Board Meeting has been called at 8am on February 28, 2023, in the Administration Board Room. Agenda items include new positions and ERate contract for network...

February 24, 2023
Enjoy this episode of Courageous Conversations with Maurice Henry and Travell Green!

February 24, 2023
On Wednesday, February 22, Lori Arnette, Nurse Health Liaison for Southwest Arkansas Education Cooperative, came to Clinton Primary and taught our 1st and 2nd graders about dental...

February 24, 2023
Fourth graders at William Jefferson Clinton Primary in Hope, Arkansas, dissected cow eyes as part of a recent biology lesson. Students in Lynda Cole’s classroom worked in small gr...