Happy 4th of July!! We hope you have a safe and fun holiday with family and friends!
#GoBobcats #ALLIN #HopeForTheFuture
July 3 is Painted Rock Day! Grab the paints and decorate some rocks to spread cheer around your yard, your neighborhood, the city! Take pics and shows us your creativity!
#GoBobcats #ALLIN #HopeForTheFuture
July 2 is National "I Forgot Day!" Grab a book like those shown and read along. Sometimes, we're just forgetful!
#GoBobcats #ALLIN #HopeForTheFuture
The Hope Public Schools Central Offices will be CLOSED on Wednesday, July 3, and Thursday, July 4, for the Independence Day holiday. We will re-open at 7:30 am on Monday, July 8.
#GoBobcats #ALLIN #HopeForTheFuture
June 21 is #SELFIE Day! Get together with your friends and snap some fun, funny, sweet, or sentimental photos together!
#GoBobcats #ALLIN #HopeForTheFuture
It's Here!! Today (June 20) marks the official start of SUMMER! Hope everyone has a safe, fun summer!
#GoBobcats #ALLIN #HopeForTheFuture
It's National Fishing Day (June 18)! Grab your gear and head out to the pond, the lake, or the river and enjoy a day of reelin' 'em in!
#GoBobcats #ALLIN #HopeForTheFuture
It's National Mascot Day (June 17)! Celebrate the #BOBCATS today and every day!
#GoBobcats #ALLIN #HopeForTheFuture
ATTENTION: 2017-2018 Special Education Records will be destroyed this summer. If you have records from those dates and would like to have them please contact Lynn Kimbell at the Administration Building before July 15, 2024.
We're Hiring! Come work in a district with a vision of Hope for the Future! Go Bobcats!
Current openings:
Hope Public Schools begins Summer Hours on June 3 and run through July 31. Offices and campuses will be open 7:30 am - 5:30 pm, Monday - Thursday. We will be closed Fridays.
Congratulations to Carmen Galvan, Laura Gray, Sheila Hopson, Sandra Rhone, and Marilyn Marks (pictured, l-r) for completing the Aspiring Leaders program!
We'll be sharing more about them and the program soon, but we want to give these woman a huge SHOUT OUT! Congratulations!
#GoBobcats #ALLIN #HopeForTheFuture
It's Official!! SCHOOL'S OUT FOR THE SUMMER! We hope everyone has a safe and happy summer break!
#GoBobcats #ALLIN #HopeForTheFuture
There will be a Special Called Board Meeting on Wednesday, May 29, at 8:30am in the Boardroom at the Administration Building. The public is invited. The agenda is below:
(1) Call to Order
(2) New Business
(2.a) KLC Video Security Quotes
(3) Adjournment
Hope Public Schools will be CLOSED on Monday, May 27, 2024, in honor of Memorial Day.
Remember: Early dismissal for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday this week! CPS dismisses at 1pm. All other campuses at 1:20pm.
(Dates: May 22, 23, 24 2024)
Congratulations to all the recipients of the May 2024 Superintendent Awards!
#GoBobcats #ALLIN #HopeForTheFuture
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
Attention HPS parents and community! Please take a brief moment to fill out the survey linked below and let us know how we are doing! We appreciate your feedback!
English- https://forms.gle/DKjyy73E7Q1UVicN8
Spanish- https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeHLDatE2MvWagLg2GgT0ZcHJ7MmgNJ6Bpb8LCqhKkK_MMlsQ/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0