Hope Public Schools weekly podcast on Anchor at https://anchor.fm/bobby-hart/episodes/Hope-Schools-Week-1---Calendar--YMS--Announcements-e4oal9
Thanks Farmers for an awesome time! GREAT Community Partner
HPS Class of 2031 graduated from kindergarten tonight. Thanks students, parents, and staff for a great year!
Please take a moment to fill out the 2018-2019 Parental Survey. This open to everyone in the Hope Public Schools community. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/XW88GHZ
Thanks to our drivers and all others who helped get everyone home safe. High water will likely be an issue tomorrow morning be patient and be safe
Thanks Farmers for providing sweet treats to our teachers today!!!
Thanks to all our teachers!!! You make a difference daily
Thanks to Hope First United Methodist Church for your donation.Our food pantry program will benefit greatly from your generosity.
Because birth to 5 is critical to future succes.https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/index.html?CDC_AA_refVal=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cdc.gov%2Factearly%2Findex.html
I was reminded again today what a terrific group of people we have in the Hope School District. Several staff covered classes, covered lunch and playground duty and walked the halls while many of CPS' staff attended the funeral mass for their Administrative Assistant Mrs. Delia Retanna today. Teachers, administrators, coaches, and administrative assistants from other campuses all pitched in to help the day go smoothly for students. While we mourn the loss of a great individual, I am thrilled to be a part of such an awesome team. Thanks to all.
Funeral mass for Delia Retana Moreno will be celebrated Thursday, March 14, at noon at Our Lady of Good Hope Catholic Church. Donations to benefit the family are being collected at the HPSD Admin. Bldg.
Please join us at 6 pm on March 7 for our next Parent Ambassador meeting. We will meet in the HHS cafeteria. Hope you can make it.
Help us learn how to best help you and your family.https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeam8ctHpf_REdwI5E9ziu7J7zxz4f9qdEUn_7hT9RYRUtHXg/viewform
Please help us learn more about how we can better serve you
Hope Public Schools initiating a food pantry program for students on all campuses. Community donations to be sought for single-serving, non-perishables, easy open items, as well as monetary support from partners. See full story in News.
To ALL parents of ALL athletes .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQDYJ9tJwKw&feature=youtu.be
Teachers return to Hempstead Hall for PD tomorrow Jan. 7. Students we look forward to seeing you on Jan. 8
January is National School Board Recognition Month! Thanks to HPS’ School Board for your commitment to our community
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year! Go Bobcats
We have awesome principals.